Welcome from the Director

Neikhrieo Üsou

I welcome you to RDNUMS.

RDNUMS is a family enterprise whose life is inspired by our late father, Rev. Dr. Neiliezhü Üsou, a man of God committed to the well-being of humanity. Wholesome education of children had always been an important part of his ministry. He believed very strongly that any decent society will depend on the kind of generation that a society is willing and prepared to produce. To that end family plays the most crucial role followed by educational institutions where children ought to be nurtured and trained with love and care. RDNUMS is, thus, the realization of his dream to accomplish his genuine aspiration.

RDNUMS was established in the year 2012 with 22 precious pupils and 10 staff members. During the last decade we have witnessed rapid growth of the school with students’ enrolment reaching over 500 in 2021, 36 teaching faculty and 14 non-teaching staff members. 

A new block has been added to the old block. Fitted and furnished with the latest and most sophisticated infrastructures. The motto of the school is “Soaring above and beyond”. All academic and extra-curricular activities of the school is focused and centred around its “motto”. Its aim is to bring out the best in each pupil. Towards this goal the educational system of the school is progressive, proactive combining the very best features of academic processes to educate and empower and to help develop the personalities of its students.

Every child is given undivided individual attention. Each child’s potential is identified and promoted most comprehensively. Such a responsibility is immense but no effort is spared to achieve the desired goal. All processes are worked at with rigour and enthusiasm. The mission statement of the school explicitly defines the envisioned outcome of the educational system of the school which is to produce students of the highest calibre. We work to equip our pupils with the ability to perform, to achieve, to be leaders. To give back to family and society with the best: sound in mind, body and spirit.

The school is yet to reach its maturity, to mellow. But I can very confidently claim that we are in the right track, heading towards its ultimate destination with hope and undeterred determination, the right purpose with the right attitude. This is a venture undertaken with a most honourable pledge and for the glory of God, the God of our late father.