Welcome from the Consultant

Akobu Üsou Ralsun

Rev Dr. Neiliezhü Usou Memorial School conveniently addressed as RDNUMS is a school started in memory of a very dear person in the form of our earthly father Rev Dr Neiliezhü Üsou. The school is named after a God-fearing person, an Ordained Minister of God who had the dream to have a school established during his lifetime for the future generation and to bring about a change in the educational system befitting for the upcoming generation. Also with a clear vision to produce good human beings and God-fearing people who will bring about a change in the society and make this place a better place to live in. But due to reasons concealed, his dream project was kept in abeyance. 

In the year 2009 on 30th of January, our father finished his tasks on earth and left for his eternal home in Heaven to be in sweet peace forever. We, the family, his wife and his seven children unanimously took up his dream project to start a school here in our family home where we lived with our dearest Dad till his last days on earth.

The family officially reapplied with the same old school permission order that was pursued by our dearest dad as Beersheba School, to be renamed and start the school as RDNUMS.

Permission order was renewed and granted to us and accordingly RDNUMS started functioning in February 2012 with the establishment date as 30th January, coinciding with the Death Anniversary of Rev Dr Neiliezhü Usou. ‘A journey ended to begin’, RDNUMS as the school is affectionately known took off on 30th January 2012. The birth of the school fulfilled the unfulfilled dream of our father and the school is a pride as it reminds us that there is hope.

The school started from a humble beginning but determined beginning and the growth of this school is indeed commendable as it clambered the rungs of the ladder very cautiously and conscientiously. With its undying zeal, the school motto which briskly stands as “Soaring above and beyond” as our guiding light, we hope to soar the vast skies where we can all reach our dreams, and excel for God’s glory. On the day, the 27th of July 2013, the school of RDNUMS was officially inaugurated and the day is marked as RDNUMS Day henceforth.

At RDNUMS, we take pride in our endeavours to provide students with the basic foundation of learning and working in school. Our children become exposed to numbers, letters and shapes. And, more important, they learn how to socialize with other children, how to communicate freely, how to be responsible, how to compromise, how to be respectful of others, how to gain sense of self, how to explore the environment, how to play with their peers, how to be competent. Children joyously attain knowledge, develop skills and evolve creative talents to face life with confidence. Children discover that they are capable and can do things for themselves. 

Enrichment activities like dance, music, taekwondo, circle time, sing along, assembly, competitions, important days, life skill activities, play, etc are part of the school curriculum as these activities capture the children’s attention, stimulates the children to think, understand and challenge their capability, improve their musicality, movement, vocabulary and language skills are fostered, encourage their expressions and define their observations, develop interaction skill, bonding with one another and boost independency. By providing opportunities, creativity flows from children and the possibilities are endless.

RDNUMS provide a friendly, caring and safe environment. We remain a big family-sized school of around 500+. Our method of study ensures that students really understand the concept of the subject matter and therefore use the information they learn and apply in any subject and successfully follow. The school follows Continuous Assessment system which allows detailed tracking of academic progress and also follows dedicated observation of each student as they grow and change. 

I hope you will be encouraged to join our school and I look forward to a fruitful association with you. May God bless us with many years of learning together with love, knowledge and friendship.