Welcome from the Administrator

Thejangulie Üsou

On Behalf of the whole team, I am delighted to extend a very warm welcome to you and your children at Rev Dr. Neiliezhü Üsou Memorial School. I feel hugely privileged and pleased to be supported by an experienced and dedicated team of Curriculum Leaders and Teachers. We are excited about working with your children, building on their strong academic results as well as developing their wider skills through an extensive range of opportunities in arts, sports, and many more. We are looking forward to ensuring that your children can achieve their highest potential. Each year will provide important transitions and the acquisition of new skills that will enhance each student’s ability to apply learning in many ways. RDNUMS is committed to providing a challenging and stimulating curriculum that helps each student progress at a developmentally appropriate rate and provides a safe environment for all students.

As ever, I value the social and emotional development of each child as they transition from their primary years through early adolescence. As a team, I believe that it is our responsibility to maintain and to continue to build a supportive and collaborative spirit at our school. Together, we can build on the traditions of the past and meet the challenges of the future in innovative and exciting ways.