Primary/ Upper-Primary


Mathematics is a language that is universally understood across different cultures, countries and language. It enables learners to exercise and discipline mental faculties. Our brain develop important neural pathways for processing information and it is no surprise that mathematics plays an important role in brain development and analytical skills. It helps in intelligent use of reasoning power.

Through mathematics, students at RDNUMS are expected to gain

  • Knowledge: ability to recall or recognize already learnt information.
  • Comprehension: ability to organize and arrange materials mentally.
  • Application: ability to select and apply already learnt rules.
  • Analysis: ability to break up a given communication into its constituent elements.
  • Synthesis: produce a new communication from many sources.
  • Evaluation: ability to judge values of materials and methods.


Through science, the school aims to provide students with broader objectives, knowledge and curiosity. It also aims to acquire knowledge, conceptual understanding and skills to solve problems, to think analytically and creatively. The purpose of science is not only to acquaint our students with knowledge of scientific facts, concepts but also to provide scientific attitude.

Some of the objectives of science direct towards

  • Better understanding of the nature of science.
  • Acquisition of skills.
  • Development of interest and appreciation.
  • Critical observation and thought.
  • Planned procedure in solving problems.

English – I

English is not a new subject for the students at school. The students learn English from kindergarten as it is identified as an international language. Analysing literature in English class challenges the students to understand character motivation, cultural context and the causes and effects of various actions in story plot lines. It also emphasizes in reading and writing among students to improve their vocabulary focusing on the four basic skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing.


The word grammar means different things to different people. To a student, it means an analytical and terminological study of sentences. Grammar is the base of English language. Knowledge of grammar helps the students in the correction of mistakes and improvement of written work.

Grammatical competence is one of communicative competence. It involves knowing how to use the grammar and vocabulary of the language to achieve communicative goals. Therefore, to speak in a clearer and more effective manner we have to study grammar.


Grammar teaching is essential as a system of rules which describe the formation of a language’s sentences. It is not acquired naturally, it needs to be taught. Grammar is also a collection of meaningful forms such as, subject and predicate or active and passive voice.

Grammar is considered as the sentence – making machine, an advance – organiser, grammar teaching is the rule-of-law.

Social Studies/Social Science

Social studies is a discipline that include humanities such as geography, history and political science. Social studies can also be referred to as social science. It’s a field which deals with human behaviour, relationships, resources and institutions.

The primary purpose of teaching social studies is to help young people acquire knowledge, development of reasoning power, critical judgement, inculcating social values, constitutional values, makes responsible citizenship and develop awareness of national integration and international understanding. We are living in a diverse and inter – connected world – one that requires interaction with people of all cultures and communities and social studies prepares them for this.


The goal for having scripture as a subject is to help the students understand the importance of prayer/meditation, reading the Bible and nurturing oneself to grow in the word of God.

Through this subject, the school aims to:

  • Enable students to grasp the essential truth about the word of God.
  • Let the students respond holistically to the message of the Bible.
  • Encourage students to read the Bible and interact with its idea for a life time.
  • Enabling the students to learn, retrospect, reflect through Bible lesson and transform one’s life through the implication of the Bible lessons.
  • Focusing on the details of the Bible story, adding spiritual lesson and applying the truth of God’s word to everyday life.

With objective to help each student to:

  • Learn more about God and His infinite being.
  • Explore the ideas of understanding God’s will and have the courage to do the right things.
  • Compare between the good and the bad and learn to abide by God’s commandment.
  • Inculcate good moral, social, spiritual etiquette.
  • Foster the beauty of giving, trusting God in every circumstances, learning the purpose of each Bible stories and adapting this teachings in one’s life.


Music teaches variety of skills critical to a person’s growth and development. It integrates many different subject areas all at once and stimulates brain development related to language and reasoning. It enhances creativity, reading, comprehension and listening abilities.

Music and Math are deeply intertwined. While learning Rhythm the student is also learning about ratios, fractions and proportions thus developing their math and pattern recognition skills.

Learning to sing or play an instrument takes times, hard work and patience. This teaches the students discipline, time management, patience and perseverance. It also promotes craftsmanship’s, encouraging students to create good work instead of mediocre work.


Hindi is the fourth most spoken language in the world. Hindi is a very old language, with its roots in Sanskrit. One of the great things about learning Hindi is the fact that it is a phonetic language, which means that the words are pronounced as they are written. Once you have the Hindi alphabet memorised, it becomes relatively straightforward to pronounce words correctly. 


  • Achieve functional proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing.
  • Recognise culture – specific perspectives and values embedded in language behaviour.
  • Decode, analyse and interpret authentic texts of different genres.
  • Produce organized coherent discourse in oral and written modes.

General Knowledge

This subject aims to:

  • Help the students to grow on personal as well as academic level.
  • Help the child understand the world and people around him/her.
  • Help and improve the social, emotional, reasoning and thinking skills.
  • Learn and gain more knowledge about different areas.

Time Table

Learning time table is really important. They’re the building blocks of Mathematics. Memorizing/learning time table makes it quicker and easier for children to work out math problems in their heads. Moving beyond using their fingers to work out answers, they’ll gradually be able to use their knowledge to quickly solve any multiplication problemm.

Objectives of the subject:

  • It helps with mental arithmetic.
  • It can be used in real life.
  • Builds confidence in Mathematics.
  • An essential skill for long multiplication and division.
  • Builds the basic mathematical blocks and supports more complex task.
  • It improves problem solving abilities.
  • It promotes number sense.

Computer Science

Computer science is an interesting amalgamation of the latest technologies and the doctrine of this subject is to create awareness among students about the latest in technological field and at the same time provide with a strong foundation of the concepts.

The subject aims to:

  • Demonstrate the effects and impacts of computer on an individual and the society.
  • Put light on the capability and limitations of computers.
  • Foster positive attitude for adapting to and coping with a changing technology driven society.

The objectives are:

  • To provide opportunity for the study of modern methods of information processing and its applications.
  • To acquaint students with knowledge of the computer technology with emphasis on its applications as well as its limitations.
  • To prepare students who wish to pursue further studies in computer science and related subjects.


Learning through creativity and intelligence doesn’t just come from the brain alone, but from the entire body. Movement combination increases memory, order and sequencing skills. Dance also increases self-esteem which is very important to learning. Through dance, the students learn teamwork, focus and improvisational skills. Dance awakens new perceptions in children which helps them learn and think new ways. Dance also enhances skill of perception, observation and concentration which will undoubtedly help students in all their subjects.


Taekwondo in RDNUMS has a well-developed lesson structure, carefully charted out for the primary classes. Taekwondo as a sport is a concoction of combat training, physical exercise and mental discipline. The young students are trained on how to develop excellent Cardio-vascular Movements, strength building through exercise. Taekwondo classes offer the students to nurture teamwork spirit and an understanding of good sportsmanship from young age.

In RDNUMS, the students are prepared and made ready to venture out confidently with high self-esteem and increased sense of security by acquiring skills to perform safe and effective self defense skills. The following steps on Taekwondo are taught in school:


  • Hips Rotation
  • Head Rotation
  • Shoulder Rotation
  • Hand Rotation
  • Jumping & Moving
  • Mobility Stretch


Technique & Stepping:

  • Punching
  • Kicking
  • Blocking

Cursive Handwriting

Writing is one of the most important skill for individuals, allowing them to express themselves and communicate efficiently with others. Cursive handwriting is a form of writing in which the letters are connected. Cursive can be fun and helpful tool when it comes to handwriting especially for some students who do not have a good handwriting. It helps the students learn the different aspects such as pencil grip, spacing, size and writing faster and more efficiently.


Communication has always been one of the relevant variables influencing the teaching-learning process. It plays a very important role in shaping the child’s personality and relationship with other fellow mates and teachers. Being able to listen, and talk to others is important for children’s development and wellbeing. Through conversation a child’s learns to become more self-reliant on his/her ability to self-express. The school provides engaging conversation periods and talking through their daily routines in a great way to build vocabulary skills.

Digi Class

In this modern era, textbooks and boards are no longer the only medium for education and learning. With the development of new innovative devices learning can now take place through the use of various media.

As such, for effective execution of learning procedures the school utilises several digital tools to supplement the traditional board and text book teaching. This form of learning is based on the idea that learning is a natural social act in which, the students cooperate with a specific end goal to extend their knowledge.

Students exposed to this kind of learning tend to develop perspective on different subject matters, improve participation and engagement enabling them to overcome limiting beliefs.

Reading and Library

A library is an important source of knowledge to young minds in school. It develops the important habit of reading among the students. The school library plays a great role in the life of students by serving as the store house of knowledge. The school provide and promote quality time to develop and sustain in students the habit of reading for pleasure and to enrich their intellectual, aesthetic, cultural and emotional growth. Reading is a useful pastime because students learn many important and useful facts and also improve our understanding of English language too.

At RDNUMS, two libraries are set up where the students get to enjoy reading different books, explore and discover amazing things. It enables our students to prepare themselves for taking part in various activities and help them to increase their vocabulary, quicken their intelligence and broaden their general knowledge.

Art and Craft

Art and Craft are engaging activities for children. Learning art involves students in making and responding to art works, drawing, develop motor skills, techniques and create opportunity for hands – on creation. Craft encourages children to play, express feeling and create a mood to experiment in a fun and relaxed environment.

The subject helps students to:

  • Develop fine motor skills.
  • Recognize/identify shapes, colours and texture.
  • Demonstrate innovation and creativity in concepts, formal language and materials.
  • Learn and develop artistic fundamentals.
  • Describe, analyse and interpret art work.
  • Handle material effectively.
  • Encourage self – expression/express feelings and create a mood.

Nagaland Heritage Studies

Nagaland Heritage studies was conceptualise to replace Alternative English in schools. The textbooks form the basis for the contents of all Modern Indian Language (MIL) textbooks in Nagaland and teach the Naga languages using local culture and heritage as its content base. The textbooks of Nagaland Heritage studies have been developed in English for classes 5 to 8, as well as in 18 different Naga local dialects.

The main aims and objectives of this subject is to educate the children and to recognize the fact, uniqueness and rich culture of the Nagas and all its social attributes to have a strong, stable and vibrant society. The book also appreciate and promote the cultural richness of every tribe and community. The Nagaland Heritage studies not only educate students about our people, our history and our way of life but also inform students about what we were and are and represent a platform to strengthen our ties and establish our oneness within the tribes of Nagaland.

The contents of the books is filled with interesting topics where students enjoy learning about the history of Nagaland such as how the Naga tribes got their names, festivals of Nagaland, traditional clothes, indigenous games, Naga personalities, folk tales and Naga motifs and their meanings, history of education, etc.

Grace and Courtesy

Grace and Courtesy is a general attitude of graciousness and respect. It gives the child a better sense of orientation in his or her social structure. It also helps the child to learn the kind and gracious way to handle all manners of situation that they face or will face. Through grace and courtesy lessons and activities, the child gets a clear understanding to perfect himself/herself in social skills and then incorporate the skills in his/her everyday life, which will allow for a more pleasant  classroom as well as a more pleasant environment wherever the child may go.

Physical Training

At RDNUMS, we are aware of the importance of physical education and have a healthy mix of academic, non-academic and physical education activities for the holistic growth of the children.

PT Subject plays a very consequential role in keeping children fit and active. This subject helps in developing students’ competence and confidence. It also helps them to take part in a wide range of Physical activities that are crucial to their lives – both in and out of school.

ALOHA Mental Arithmetic

Mental Arithmetic is a technical skill in mathematics acquired intensively through finely structured syllabus prepared by ALOHA Curriculum Development Department. These skills help learners to strengthen and improve their mathematical competence in calculating problems faster and with more accuracy.

ALOHA Mental Arithmetic is the most efficient approach to effective calculations which is the main aim of arithmetic. Thus, it compliments and supplements the arithmetic approaches adopted in schools.

The purpose of introducing ALOHA Mental Arithmetic is to improve the students’ abilities in areas such as concentration, problem solving (which is crucial in academic success in all stages of school), associative memory, working memory, concept formation, creativity and ability to create mental image and perform operation (Spatial ability).

Students get continuous classes from the highly trained instructors in the weekdays where students actively participates and learns the different stages included in the syllabus of ALOHA Mental Arithmetic.

Undergoing Abacus training helps in academic excellence by improving the ability required to get good grades which in turn gives confidence to the learners and motivates them for higher achievements.