

Mathematics plays a major role in a child’s development and helps learners makes sense of the world around them. It helps skills such as problem solving, understanding, measure, shapes and develop their own spatial awareness.

Students learn to recognize numbers, read, count and write.


Learning language by students can be accounted to their autonomy, curiosity, capacity and their willingness to do, say and listen in an environment full of motivations for children to acquire confidence in themselves. In language learning, a child equips oneself with the four component skills, that is, writing, reading, speaking and listening.

Through the instruction of Phonics, a student is able recognize letters and words quickly and accurately which improves fluency in speaking, aids in reading, writing and pronunciation.

Environmental Studies (EVS)

The main focus of EVS is to expose learners to the actual world they live in. The learning situations/experiences of EVS help children to explore and connect with the natural and human made surroundings.

EVS helps children develop their own insights into the functioning of several things or understanding human processes in their environment. Such interactions with their surrounding environment are immensely important in the healthy development of children. Such exposures also enhance children’s learning capabilities by providing concrete learning.

Rhymes and Recitation

Singing and Reciting Rhymes develop rhythmic and memorization skills. It helps the students to develop self-expression and gain confidence. Rhymes also helps the students to build vocabulary and learn new words. Above all, Rhymes teach children intonation and correct pronunciation.


Communication has always been one of the relevant variables influencing the teaching-learning process. It plays a very important role in shaping the child’s personality and relationship with other fellow mates and teachers. Being able to listen, and talk to others is important for children’s development and wellbeing. Through conversation a child’s learns to become more self-reliant on his/her ability to self-express. The school provides engaging conversation periods and talking through their daily routines in a great way to build vocabulary skills.

Digi Class

There are multiple benefits of digital learning in transforming a child’s life. Now a days, there are online lessons through which students can individually learn multiple activities.

The school provides Digi Class in the pre-primary section which focuses on reinforcing the knowledge and understanding acquired in the regular classroom.

Cursive Writing

Cursive writing is good for children’s fine motor skills and help the students to improve writing. Cursive handwriting is taught in the school to encourage children to develop a sense of pride in the work and to be able to hold pencil in a comfortable and correct manner.

Exercises of Practical life (EPL)

The exercises in practical life covers two main areas of development; care of self and care of the environment. The EPL activities gives the child an understanding of his/her environment and how it works. EPL provides children a sense of accomplishment, order, concentration and confidence as they carry out thoughtfully prepared activities. The EPL activities develops motor control, coordination and sense of responsibility.


The Sensorial area in a Montessori based classroom focuses on lessons and activities that help develop the five senses; seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling.

The activities provided for sensorial development help children clarify, classify and understand the world around them.

Art and Craft

Art and Craft activities give opportunity for hands-on creation, which is how children retain information most effectively and efficiently at their age. Through Art and Craft activities, children learn to value and appreciate aesthetic elements. Motor skills and hand-eye coordination skills are also developed through art activities and take pride in one’s workmanship through craft activities. A creative outlet also shows that children can make decisions and be inventive in a variety of ways.

Grace and Courtesy

Grace and Courtesy is a general attitude of graciousness and respect. It gives the child a better sense of orientation in his or her social structure. It also helps the child to learn the kind and gracious way to handle all manners of situation that they face or will face. Through grace and courtesy lessons and activities, the child gets a clear understanding to perfect himself/herself in social skills and then incorporate the skills in his/her everyday life, which will allow for a more pleasant  classroom as well as a more pleasant environment wherever the child may go.


Taekwondo is introduced from an early age in the school, right from pre-primary classes. Learning taekwondo helps a child not only to be physically fit but also it benefit mental health through increased confidence, improved self-esteem, focus, concentration levels and self-discipline. In the pre-primary section, the most basic taekwondo stepping’s are taught, which we call as Baby stepping’s.

  • The first step or step 1: Warm-up
  • The second step or step 2: Stretching
  • The third step or step 3: Body Movement


Learning through creativity and intelligence doesn’t just come from the brain alone, but from the entire body. Movement combination increases memory, order and sequencing skills. Dance also increases self-esteem which is very important to learning. Through dance, the students learn teamwork, focus and improvisational skills. Dance awakens new perceptions in children which helps them learn and think new ways. Dance also enhances skill of perception, observation and concentration which will undoubtedly help students in all their subjects.

Reading and Library

A library is an important source of knowledge to young minds in school. It develops the important habit of reading among the students. The school library plays a great role in the life of students by serving as the store house of knowledge. The school provide and promote quality time to develop and sustain in students the habit of reading for pleasure and to enrich their intellectual, aesthetic, cultural and emotional growth. Reading is a useful pastime because students learn many important and useful facts and also improve our understanding of English language too.

Imaginary Play/Indoor Activity

Children are given the opportunity to practise using their imagination, exercise their brain and train to think creatively. It also develop their language and social skills simply by being with their peers and talking to them. They also experiment with decision making on how to behave and also practise their social skills.

Indoor activity helps a child to practice essential cognitive skills and enhance the parts of the brain responsible for complex thoughts and memory formation. Creative indoor activities helps the brain to retain and build cognitive association well. The school has imaginary play and indoor activity periods with the aim to develop self-discipline and self-motivation. Physical skills are developed which includes both gross and fine motor skills through various indoor activities.

Physical Training

At RDNUMS, we are aware of the importance of physical education and have a healthy mix of academic, non-academic and physical education activities for the holistic growth of the children.

PT Subject plays a very consequential role in keeping children fit and active. This subject helps in developing students’ competence and confidence. It also helps them to take part in a wide range of Physical activities that are crucial to their lives – both in and out of school.


Phonics defines the relationship between the written letters and the spoken sounds. Phonic teaches young learners how to link the correct sounds with the corresponding letters or groups of letters and to blend the letter sounds to make new words. This enables the learner to speak a language correctly and confidently.

Story Telling

Story Telling create connections among the young learners. It provides children with a window to new words, new ideas and information without realizing it. Children learn valuable life lessons. Story Telling helps a child to learn sounds and languages which in turn help to develop a child’s brain, ability to focus, social and communication skills.