School Rules

School Rules

Office Timings: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM


All new intake children are invited into school with their parents to meet their teachers during the term before entry. All required information will be given at this meeting.

Each pupil will be required to bring two standard-sized photos, a Birth Certificate, proof of address at the time of admission.


All national holidays will be strictly observed. Classes will remain canceled on Saturdays for Toddler till UKG, however Parents Teachers Meet (PTM)/ special activities will take place as and when notified. View School Calendar to keep yourself updated about upcoming events and holidays.


For early arrivals, students are requested to please wait at the lobby and waiting area until classroom doors are opened.


At the end of the session, parents are requested to wait near the Main Gate and collect their children. A member of staff will send your child out to you.

It is a requirement that only a person nominated by parents collect their child. Notice and identification have to be given in advance of any other person collecting a child.

Absences and Lateness

If your child is absent, we must ask you for a note on his/her return because records are kept indicating whether an absence was authorized or not. Punctuality is considered a very important part of children’s general education and co-operation of all parents is asked to see that their child arrives before the school bell is rung. Students will not be allowed to enter after 9:30 AM. A medical certificate is a must for students missing out on examinations. Only one retest is allowed, however, students under this category will be allotted only the pass mark. Students scoring more than the pass mark will still be allotted only pass marks. A student failing to score the minimum pass mark will not be allowed for any improvement test in that subject evaluation.


The school provides a simple, nutritious, and well-balanced lunch for the children. Tiffin from outside is not allowed.

Carrying own tiffins is encouraged. The school canteen will be introduced in the future.

Transfer Certificate

Transfer certificate, if applied, will be issued within two working days provided all dues are cleared. One will have to pay the monthly fees for one whole session.


Withdrawals must be notified to the Director/ Co-ordinator in writing. All fees paid to the school are non-refundable.

Data Collection and Privacy

RDNUMS collects and processes personal information when you consider and apply for admission. You provide this information directly to us via text fields, online forms, and other uploads through our website, as well as through email, phone calls, and online surveys.

RDNUMS is committed to protecting the personal information of the entire RDNUMS community. We try to collect only the information necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it is collected.

All changes in personal details especially telephone numbers and/or addresses should be communicated to the school at the earliest possible time to ensure that our records are up to date.

General Rules and Regulations

  • It is important to make children realize about the importance of discipline, courtesy, respect, obedience. Discipline is a very important training toward self-control and character formation. For this, good order and behaviour are emphasized in the school. No act of indiscipline, insubordinate interference in the administration, disrespect to any staff or management team, disrespect to any community will be allowed. A student is subject to serious disciplinary action if he/she engages in any of the following grounds:
  • Bully of any nature
  • Fighting
  • Misuse of property/damage of property
  • Teasing/Verbal abuse/hurtful comments on others/vulgar words
  • Throwing of any objects to cause bodily harm or discomfort
  • Racial discrimination/gender discrimination
  • Spitting
  • Misbehaviour
  • Disobedience
  • Use of intoxicants/theft
  • Leaving the school campus without permission of school authorities

Parents/Guardians will be informed of any breach of a school rule and will be required to sign in an acknowledgment letter.

  • Any child suffering from any of the following should be kept at home and parents should notify the staff of any medical condition - rash/ diarrhoea/ a cold or flu/ measles/ discharge from the eyes or nose and any other contagious illness.
  • Parents/Guardians are requested to follow vehicular driveway for entrance and exit. Parking in front of the school is limited and we request that all parents show consideration for other parents by proper use of the demarcated spots provided.
  • Parents are urged to take special care of their child's personal hygiene.
  • Throughout the year, the teachers will periodically meet the parents and inform them about their child's performances at school.
  • For safety reasons, all pupils must carry their Identity Card.
  • Children are expected to attend school in full and neat school uniform.
  • Children must not be sent with valuables of any kind to school. The school will not be responsible for the loss of these items. Belongings of children should be marked for easy identification.
  • Parents must send all the books/ copies as per daily routine, prospectus cum calendar, etc. to school and all to be covered and the name of the owner properly and clearly written.
  • To acquire greater facility in the study of English, only English should be spoken and encouraged in the school premises.
  • No books, papers or items of objectionable nature should be brought to the school.
  • Every child attending the school should be obliged to take part in all school activities for their all-round development. No leave will be entertained except for valid reasons.
  • Parents/Guardians/Caretakers are not allowed to sit in the class with children during school hours except in case of children with special needs. Parents/Guardians are not allowed to enter the classroom and take action against any child for his/her misbehaviour.
  • For easy communication, the school encourages all class teachers to have telephone contact with Parents/Guardians. Only Official group chats initiated by the school authority is allowed for school related matters.
  • Parents/Guardians are requested to make proper arrangements to collect the children immediately after the school hours. Parents are requested to inform the school authorities whenever there is a change in the person who will take the child back home/whenever there is an emergency delay.
  • For issuing any official document, two day’s time will be required from the date of receiving written application.