Religious Life

The school fosters on the overall development of the students and also gives important focus on the religious activities under the school curriculum so that the students will have a well-rounded perspective on faith and religious beliefs. The goal for conducting religious activities is to help the students learn the importance of prayer, reading the Bible and nurturing them to grow in the knowledge of God.

Keeping these goals in view the school conducts certain activities:

  • Religious activities in the classroom offers personal opportunities to create, connect and discover their faith.
  • During assembly time, students take part in singing worship songs, reading Bible stories, which enriches them to groom and generate their faith.
  • Counselling act as a vital asset in the student’s life. It is a one-on-one interaction where the teacher and students develop a rapport, which paves way for the students to identify their goals, potential and also strengthens their self-esteem.
  • Besides these activities the teachers also participate in the religious activities by conducting worship time, chain of prayer, fasting which molds them spiritually and strive together for the betterment of the school.