Outdoor Learning and Engagement

Outdoor learning covers a routine activity that ensures children encounter and discover the natural surroundings, and learn by experience. It also develops a child’s investigative skills and provide endless opportunities that leads to increased environmental awareness. To develop a sense of creativity, self-independence, decision making and problem solving skills, RDNUMS organizes learning that takes place outdoors with active community engagements.

One with Nature

The school encourages students to understand and respect nature, the environment and interdependence of humans, animals, plants and life cycles. Our students experience nature walks, tree plantation drives, literary and creative events focussed on environment protection and sustainability, to name a few.


Our students are encouraged not only on academic success but also on creating a school ethos with relationships and community at its heart. As part of this, the school is actively engaged in charity work and students are given the opportunity to participate. Activities like visitations to orphanage, sick people and old aged home are regularly carried out. We also engage with different NGO’s while planning charitable activities.

Grandparents Day

Naga society is known for the respect of elders. Falling in line with this and to keep the culture of respecting elders alive, our students are encouraged to show their gratitude and honour for the older generation, especially grandparents. Students are made aware of the strength, information, and guidance older people can offer. A day is dedicated to celebrating the life’s of grandparents on the first week of December annually.

Circle Time

Circle Time is a time spent between the Teacher and the Students with the sole intention to help students improve their speaking and listening skills, increase self-esteem and also help them develop a sense of belonging. Circle time focuses on mass participation and relaxation activities.

Assembly Time

The school morning assembly is held on a regular basis with the object to inculcate a sense of unity. It is conducted with a complete and active participation of the students and the teachers with Songs, Bible Reading, Prayer, Speeches, Exhortations and important announcements are relayed.

Observation of Important Days

Activities are conducted with great fervor to observe a significant day. The school promotes and encourages the observation of important days to bring awareness so as to enable the students realize the importance of doing the activity which masters valuable life skills.

Literary Activities

The school holds literary competitions to enrich and equip the students with language skills.

Competitions like Story Telling, Recitation, Quiz, Spelling Bee, Debate are held in the school.

Annual Sport’s Day

Sports help students to stay physically healthy, develop leadership skills, discipline, increase confidence, build patience, healthy team spirit and social skills. The annual Sports Day is held to help students enhance physical and mental abilities leading them to achieve the goals of their life.


The school observes the birthdays of students by gifting handmade Birthday Hats, Crowns/Badges.