Note from the Music Director

Note from the music Director

Ameü Zao

Music is a beautiful Art and one of God’s greatest gifts to mankind. The music itself is a complete package that transforms lives, motivates minds, enhances oneself, the purest form of art that can connect souls to our Almighty God.

There is not a better time than to learn music when the mind is young. It was with this aim to teach them the basics of music and its discipline that music was introduced to RDNUMS.

Music is a lifelong learning process and to achieve mastery of this art requires a good foundation. This is where the School is enthusiastic to instill in the children’s minds for prospects.

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Music is considered to be a fundamental component of human culture and behaviour. It reflects the culture and society we live in. It is an exceptional form of communication that can enthuse, stimulate children in their learning and enable them to better understand their world. Music integrates information from the senses of vision, hearing, touch and fine movements which are essential for the growth and development of different skills. Music teaches a variety of skills critical to a person’s growth and development. It integrates many different subject areas all at once and stimulates brain development related to language and reasoning. It enhances creativity, reading, comprehension, and listening abilities.

The subject aims to:

  1. Help students learn, understand, and identify the basic elements of music – Harmony, Melody, and Rhythm.
  2. To know and understand how sounds are made and organized into musical structures.
  3. To understand the concepts of notes, pitch, tempo, timbre, time and key signatures, scales, etc.
  4. To read names and write notes and sing using solfeggio.
  5. To develop students’ musical literacy and musical sense, develop the ability to sing in tune and with other people thus improving their social skills and boosting their self–confidence, develop and increase hand-eye coordination, and enhance one’s multi-sensory skills.