In Memoriam

"Those loved ones who had gone home to rest in eternal peace with the Lord continues to be our sources of hope and inspirations of finer things to come. We live with their memories deep in our hearts. This page is dedicated to them that have made our lives richer, more meaningful and more purposeful."

Kethosenuo Üsou (19.07.1995 – 22.07.1995)

Lived the briefest of life. She remains that magical whiff of air that in its wake evoked much but in its fast withdrawing left a world of dreams unrealized. She permeated our souls with her fragrance of purity and divine innocence.

Rev Dr Neiliezhü Üsou (07.07.1941 – 30.01.09)

He lived a full vibrant life in the service of the Lord. He remains our strength at all times. He continues to inspire us to go after our dreams, to never give up however difficult the journey turns out to be. RDNUMS is the realization of his dream which is, “to serve humanity with the best that God blessed us with”.

Azhanyü Üsou (14.01.1982 – 08.08.2017)

A precious life too briefly lived. He was very richly gifted with talents of music, voice, and words. A beautiful human being with admirable attributes of cordiality, social etiquette, and repartee. He was affectionate, considerate, and friend to all. He is fondly remembered for all the things he was and is dearly missed for all the many things he would have been. He left behind a world of promises unachieved. He will forever remain a bright shining star on our horizon, inspiring and ennobling. The trophies, the memorabilia on the shelves, the photos on the walls, all tell stories of an admirable person who will continue to illuminate our lives and our paths.

His Life Incapsulated