Dining Services

Dining Services

RDNUMS provides a fresh, local and healthy meal program. Our dining program collaborates with our food service provider to build a foundation of safe, nutritious, and quality food choices for students. Our commitment to health, wellness, and sustainability has a direct impact on our lunch and snack offerings.

Our education around nutrition and healthy choices begin in Pre-Primary School with an emphasis on building a colorful and balanced plate. At the Primary School level, students continue to learn about the food groups, and how healthy food choices impact physical, social, and emotional well-being. Further, the older students (Secondary School) learn how their eating habits tie directly into self-care, which is valued as an essential component of a successful learning environment. 


The lunchroom plays an important role within the broader school environment – that of reinforcing knowledge, skills and behavior about healthy eating and lifestyle which are taught in the class-room. The school aims to teach the students not only mindful and healthy eating habits but also proper grooming when it comes to dining etiquette and to instill in them the importance of showing respect and courtesy for the fellow diners.

To instill hygienic eating habits, students compulsorily wash hands and put on aprons and walk queue towards the table where lunch is served. Lunch time is properly monitored and supervised by the teachers as well as the lunchroom in charge. To bring awareness on keeping eating areas clean students take turns in wiping the table after the lunch hour. 

Prayer before every meal is encouraged in the lunchroom so as to instill values such as humility and discipline in the students and also to help them realize the essence of the ethical values.