
Rüülhouü Üsou

Rüülhou-ü Usou is the proprietor of Rev Dr Neiliezhü Usou Memorial School (RDNUMS), Kohima. She was born to Rev Zhapuzhülie Sekhose and Tsopu-ü Lohe in Kohima, where he ministered with the First American missionaries to Nagaland as an interpreter. They are a family of 13 and she is the youngest in the family. She attended Mission School at Mission Compound, Government ME School, and Government High School, Kohima. She was baptized by Rev Kevizelie Sophie, who himself was baptized by her father Rev Zhapuzhülie Sekhose, and became a bonafide member of Kohima Local Baptist Church (now called Khedi Baptist Church), Kohima Village. She completed One Year Teachers Training Course at Nowgong (now called Nagaon), Assam with English as the medium of instruction, and some of her teachers whom she fondly remembers till today are Miss Kenwar, Headmistress, Mission Girls Teachers Training School, Nowgong, Miss Morris (American) and Puspa Baido. She got married to Rev Neiliezhü Üsou. The marriage was initiated by Rev. Kevizelie who was a spiritual father to both Rüülhou-ü and Neiliezhü and it was his wish and desire to let Rüülhou-ü Sekhose get married to someone who could follow her father’s footsteps in God’s Ministry.

Rev Kevizelie solemnized their marriage at Khedi Baptist Church. She gave birth to seven children (3 Sons and 4 Daughters) and she is a strong mother of prayer.

Her career in teaching started at B.E. School (now named Baptist High). Her main Subject was English Reader. She was then appointed as a teacher in Government ME School. With the change of residence, she left her Government job and joined Ministers’ Hill Baptist English School as Tenyidie Teacher for Classes 7 to 10. In between, she completed a Diploma in Tenyidie from Ura Academy, Kohima, followed by another Two Years Course in Tenyidie. She then took up Bachelor in Tenyidie with the write-up of a Thesis on the Topic “Life of Rev Zhapuzhülie Sekhose” but she had to discontinue her studies due to family management. After having served for more than 15 years and producing Topper in the subject Tenyidie in Matric Examination under MHBES (Now called Ministers’ Hill Baptist Higher Secondary School), she got relieved from her teaching profession. She is a fine writer and composer with a rich vocabulary in Tenyidie. Her recent work was on Rev Dr. Neiliezhü Usou “Kelhou Zhapu” published in 2016.


