

Mathematics is the science and study of quality, structure, space and change. Through abstraction and logical reasoning, mathematics evolved from counting, calculation, measurement and the systematic study of the shapes and motions of physical objects.

Objectives: It helps in critical thinking, logical thinking, problem solving, analytical thinking, quantitative reasoning, time management, etc.

Scope of Mathematics as a career:

  • Data Scientist
  • Actuary
  • Mathematician
  • Statistician 
  • Engineer
  • Market Researcher
  • Professor
  • Accountant or Auditor

Mathematics is a very interesting subject one can play with numbers and it is one of the most easily scoring subjects if one is thorough with the concepts and formulas.


Science is a universal subject that spans the branch of knowledge that examines the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

Science is commonly broken down into the following three fields: Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

Science generates solutions for everyday life and helps us to answer the great mysteries of the universe. In other words, science is one of the most important channels of knowledge. Science, technology and innovation must drive our pursuit of more equitable and sustainable development.

Social Sciences

Social Sciences are an integral part of the education as it helps the students in understanding the society, human behaviour and relationships. It also helps the students to know how different societies are managed, structured and governed. It helps them grow into well informed, responsible and reflective citizens of the society. It develops their moral and social values helping them to become valuable assets in the society by contributing their skills in the nation building and development.

Alternative English (Second Language)

Alternative English as the name suggest, it is another English subject which deals with two main topics such as English Literature and English Language. 

In English Literature, the learners will be enhanced with different writings of different authors and poets. In English Language, they will be enhanced with the correct way of using the language in written or spoken. Therefore, Alternative English is introduced in the school for the learners to have all round skills development.

Hindi (Second Language)

Hindi is a spoken language; it is the first language of India. Hindi will ensure strong foundation skills in numeracy and literacy, the curriculum is imparted in a language that a child understands. The course includes the study of environment, Naga folk tale, drama, couplets and poems, etc. The course will help the students improve knowledge and understanding of the language subject more effectively and create a strong base on the subject matter.

Foundation of Information Technology (Sixth Subject)

FIT is a subject in which we study about computers. A computer is an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.

The focus of the IT Fundamental Course is the introduction of skills related to Information Technology basics, Internet Fundamentals, Network systems, Computer maintenance/upgrading/troubled shooting, Computer applications, Programming, Graphics, Web page design and Interactive media.

Information Technology (IT) is the bedrock of modern enterprise organizations. The term refers to computer systems, software, internet and other infrastructure that enables an organizations core capability.

Book Keeping and Accountancy (Sixth Subject)

Book Keeping and Accountancy is the science and art of correctly recording in books of accounts.

This subject will help develop the understanding and skills of preparing and maintaining simple books of accounting records.

The subject will enable the learners to apply critical thinking skills, demonstrates fluency in the language of business and understand the fundamental principles and concept of Book Keeping and Accountancy.

Music (Sixth Subject)

Music is an integral part of our society. Every occasion is marked with music, making it the most happening art of performances. Therefore, it is important to help the students achieve a desirable level of proficiency in music, thus enabling the students to understand the art of music theoretically and practically.

Life Skills Education

Learning life skills plays a vital role in a student’s life, as it covers overall aspect of human life, such as physical development, health, environment, work, education, etc.

Life skills teach the importance of physical development through different means such as games and sports, exercises, etc. It also teaches a child the importance of taking care of one’s health.

Through life skills, a child gets the idea about the growing years i.e., from childhood to adolescence and pubescence.

A child is taught about work culture, getting ideas on their artistic area, learning how to take care of environment as well as public property. It also helps them towards their choice of career.

NagaEd Digital Content

RDNUMS delivers a digitally-enabled educational experience powered by NagaEd for secondary students. Students enrolled on this digital platform have access to a centralized and consolidated storehouse of personalized educational data. This online and blended learning solution supported by face-to-face in-class learning facilitates and improves upon traditional educational methods thus leading to better academic outcomes.